sidebar reload
# Main configuration# Compatible mode for other plugins like HealthBar, ColoredTags, GhostPlayer, McCombatLevel, etc. ......# or the vanilla scoreboard# In case you miss the log message: this option requires the plugin called ProtocolLib# This option will work around the Bukkit API and will send raw packetscompatibilityMode: false# Should be the node disabled-worlds handled as whitelist or blacklistdisabled-worlds-whitelist: falsedisabled-worlds: - cityScoreboard: Title: '&4♛ &6&lNeo&e&lMedieval &4♛' # seconds # For instant updates you can or 1 and it will update every second Update-delay: 2 Items: # The Title must have under 48 characters # Title: Type '&8Somos': '%online%' '&8Oro': '%money%' '&8Muertos': '%kills%' '&8Muertes': '%deaths%' '&8Criaturas': '%mob%' '&8Ping': '%ping%'# Let ScoreboardStats track stats (kills, deaths, mobkills, killstreak) You need no plugin for thisenable-pvpstats: trueTemp-Scoreboard-enabled: falseTemp-Scoreboard: Title: '&a&lTop Muertes' # %mob% | %kills% | %killstreak% Type: '%kills%' Color: '&9' # How many Players would be displayed Items: 5 Intervall-show: 300 Intervall-disappear: 300