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Mensajes - C4BR3R4

Páginas: 1 ... 119 120 [121] 122 123 ... 140
Plugins descartados / Re:MyPet-NPC 1.0.8 para MC 1.10
« en: 23 de Julio de 2016 a las 12:43 »
 MyPet-NPC 1.0.8 (MyPet 2.1.6+ & MyPet-Premium 2.2.1+)
    Update for the latest release of MyPet and MyPet-Premium!

Plugins descartados / Re:Statz v1.2.1 para MC 1.10
« en: 22 de Julio de 2016 a las 11:46 »
 Small fix for GriefPrevention

    Statz v1.2 introduced support for GriefPrevention, but it has a few bugs that caused Autorank to function incorrectly. These issues have been resolved in Statz v1.2.1.

Plugins descartados / Re:Statz v1.2.1 para MC 1.10
« en: 22 de Julio de 2016 a las 11:46 »
Since Statz is a newly created plugin, there are bound to be some bugs and shortcomings. This update fixes most of the bugs and introduces full MySQL support.

Changes include:

    GriefPrevention is now supported by Statz. Statz can obtain four new data entries:
        Number of claims of a player
        Number of claimed blocks of a player
        Number of remaining blocks a player can claim
        Number of bonus blocks a player can claim
    Fixed an error when players were moving incorrectly and Statz tried to calculate the distance of their incorrect movement
    Fixed a major bug that gave players that had no data stored in the Statz database an incorrect starting value. Usually, this value was the combined of all values in the database at the time of searching. I apologize for this incorrect behavior. Some values of players should be manually reset to correct it.
    Add MySQL support! Statz will now use either SQLite (for those who don't have access to a MySQL database) or MySQL to store its data. You can configure your database settings in the configuration file.
    Fixed errors that had to do with the concurrent modifying and reading of data lists.
    Changed around some of the API functions (mostly interesting for developers, not so much for admins).
    Fixed issue that stopped Statz from saving data to its database when the server was stopped before Statz finished its 'save cycle'
    Statz will now inform the console whether it uses MySQL or SQLite and if it could connect to the database.
    Statz now uses batch processing of updates that are sent to the server to improve performance and decrease server load. (see this commit for more info)

Like always, I'm not done with updating Statz. If you find any bugs or think of a new feature you want Statz to have, post it in the forum! Note, though, that I'm on holiday and do not have all the time in the world.

Lastly, if you run Autorank. Do not upgrade to this version of Statz and wait for Autorank 3.9. Autorank 3.8 and Statz 1.2 do not work together!

Plugins de Spigot/Bukkit / Re:Jobs Reborn v3.5.6 (beta) para 1.10
« en: 21 de Julio de 2016 a las 19:34 »
Se ha reportado un error del Gringotts aquí.

Permite sentarse en escaleras y otros objetos.
Código: [Seleccionar]
chairs reload

:v: Bukkit:

++ Compilaciones:

Código: (config.yml) [Seleccionar]
# Configuration of the Chairs plugin for Craftbukkit
# ------
# A list of all compatible block and item names:
# ------
# sit-blocks: Set the blocks you want to be able to sit down on and sitting height. Use material_name:sitting_height
# valid-signs: Valid sign materials for sign check
# auto-rotate: If set to true, you are automatically rotated to the descending face of the stairs-block when sitting down.
# max-chair-width: Define how many blocks a chair can be long (set to number <= 0 for unlimited width).
# sign-check: If set to true, you will only be able to sit down when there are signs on both of the ends of the chair.
# distance: The maximum distance between the chair (the center of the block) and the player to be able to sit down (to prevent glitching through walls, etc.).
# seat-occupied-check: Check if seat is already occupied.
# ignore-if-item-in-hand: Set this true to disable sititng if player is holding an item in hand.
# disabledWGRegions: Player won't be able to sit in those regions
# ------
- wall_sign
- item_frame
- iron_trapdoor
- trapdoor
auto-rotate: true
max-chair-width: 3
sign-check: true
distance: 2
ignore-if-item-in-hand: false
    enabled: true
    interval: 20
    amount: 1
    max-percent: 100
    enabled: false
    all: false
    - /examplecommand
notify-player: true
  sitting: '&7Te has sentado.'
  standing: '&7Te has levantado.'
  occupied: '&7Este asiento esta ocupado por &6%PLAYER%&7!'
  reloaded: '&c[CHAIRS] Configuracion recargada.'
  no-permission: '&cNo tienes permiso!'
  enabled: '&7Asientos activados (para ti)!'
  disabled: '&7Asientos desactivados (para ti)!'
  command-restricted: '&7No puedes usar este comando sentado'

Plugins descartados / Marriage Reloaded v1.2.5 #17 para CB 1.7.2-R0.2
« en: 20 de Julio de 2016 a las 22:43 »
Marriage Reloaded
Enlaces entre jugadores
/marry reload

Página de Marriage Reloaded:

Plugins descartados / WeatherMan ► Herramienta para sustituir biomas
« en: 20 de Julio de 2016 a las 22:38 »
Herramienta para sustituir biomas a voluntad.
Código: [Seleccionar]
plugman reload weatherman

:v: Bukkit:

## Comandos:
## Biomas:

Comandos más útiles
/wm replace biome:<bioma|original> fill:true

Mods Modificados / Disable Subject Change v2.0.1 para SMF 2.0.11
« en: 20 de Julio de 2016 a las 12:44 »
Disable Subject Change
Desactiva la habilidad de cambiar el asunto de una respuesta en la configuración.


Paquetes del Foro / Disable Subject Change v2.0 para SMF 2.0
« en: 20 de Julio de 2016 a las 12:35 »
Disable Subject Change
Desactiva la habilidad de cambiar el asunto de una respuesta en la configuración.

Página del mod:


Mods Modificados / Re:Tabular v0.2.2 (modificado)
« en: 19 de Julio de 2016 a las 20:06 »

Tabular v2.0.11

Inserta tablas con hasta 9 estilos, incluye un encabezado de titulos y añade notas al pie de la tabla.

  • 6 estilos con fondo de color.
  • 3 estilos con fondo transparente.
  • Cambia el estilo reemplazando el numero del 'type' desde el 1 hasta el 9.
  • Añade una fila de encabezado con los titulos de cada columna.
  • Añade una nota al pie de la tabla cambiando el texto del 'caption'.
  • Puedes usar 'colspan' y 'rowspan' junto a la etiqueta 'data' y la etiqueta 'head', si lo necesitas.
Código: (Codigo de ejemplo) [Seleccionar]
[tabular type=1 caption="[b]Nombre[/b] de la tabla"]
Código: (Codigo de ejemplo) [Seleccionar]
[data colspan=2]texto[/data]
Notas de la version
Este mod es una version modificada y actualizada del mod Tabular v0.2.1 original de AzaToth y actualizado por ultima vez en marzo del 2007 para la version de smf 1.1.2

Insert tables with up to 9 styles, including a header titles and adds foot notes to the table.

  • 6 styles with background color.
  • 3 styles with transparent background.
  • Change the style by replacing the number of 'type' from 1 to 9.
  • Adds a header row with the titles of each column.
  • Add a footnote to the table by changing the text of the 'caption'.
  • You can use 'colspan' and 'rowspan' next to the label 'data' and tag 'head', if needed.
Código: (Example code) [Seleccionar]
[tabular type=1 caption="[b]Name[/b] table"]
Código: (Example code) [Seleccionar]
[data colspan=2]text[/data]
Release Notes
This mod is a modify and updated version of Tabular v0.2.1 mod original Azatoth and last updated in March 2007 for the version of smf 1.1.2

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