Autor Tema: Denizen ► API de creación de rutinas (Citizens|Depenizen>PlaceholderAPI)  (Leído 9540 veces)


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
Denizen v1.1.2 #1700 → 1.15.1 (Citizens|Depenizen)
« Respuesta #1 en: 26 de Enero de 2020 a las 11:37 »
Código: (Reiniciar el tutorial) [Seleccionar]
/ex run reiniciar_tutorial player:p@C4BR3R4
Código: (Reiniciar el mundo Recursos) [Seleccionar]
/ex run Reseteo_recursos_1


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
Denizen v1.1.2 #1702 → 1.15.2 (Citizens|Depenizen)
« Respuesta #2 en: 21 de Febrero de 2020 a las 19:55 »
[Denizen]Recent strong system warnings, scripters need to address ASAP (check earlier console logs for details):
- Ancient style definitions ('%def%') are deprecated. Please use modern definition syntax: '<[def]>'.


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
Denizen v1.1.4 #1705 → 1.15.2 (Citizens|Depenizen)
« Respuesta #3 en: 12 de Abril de 2020 a las 11:56 »
Hay que cambiar

El def que va en la linea del run debe ser como este
Código: (Bien) [Seleccionar]
- run call_tracing_model def:estatus
Código: [Seleccionar]
Código: [Seleccionar]
Código: [Seleccionar]
Código: [Seleccionar]
Código: [Seleccionar]
} else if
Código: [Seleccionar]
- else if:
Código: [Seleccionar]
} else:
Código: [Seleccionar]
- else:
Código: [Seleccionar]
Código: [Seleccionar]

Código: [Seleccionar]
- chat "
Código: [Seleccionar]
- chat "<&b>
Código: [Seleccionar]
Código: [Seleccionar]
Código: [Seleccionar]
Código: [Seleccionar]
No se puede usar un condicionante de grupo porque estos son heredados y por tanto no se puede usar dicha definición. Para arreglar esto hay que usar el placeholder del CMI para los rangos. Ejemplo:
Esto también tiene un problema puesto que no existen los rangos: Alguacil, Rey, Emperador y Dios.
Código: [Seleccionar]
Código: [Seleccionar]
<placeholder[cmi_user_rank]> == Mendigo
Código: [Seleccionar]
- queue clear
Código: [Seleccionar]
- stop


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
Denizen v1.1.4 #1705 → 1.15.2 (Citizens|Depenizen)
« Respuesta #4 en: 12 de Abril de 2020 a las 12:04 »
Código: [Seleccionar]
ERROR in script 'cazar_zombies_questvctuto1' in queue 'CAZAR_ZOMBIES_QUESTVCTUTO1_CitizensTransportationDisco' while
executing command 'IF' in file 'scripts/VC_Q_Tutorial_1_3.yml' on line '6' with player 'p@b6dd29a9-7596-4ca7-851c-59f568bea627
Error Message: Single line if commands are deprecated. Please update them to modern format.


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
Denizen v1.1.4 #1705 → 1.15.2 (Citizens|Depenizen)
« Respuesta #5 en: 12 de Abril de 2020 a las 12:06 »
Código: [Seleccionar]
ERROR in script 'tutorialvc1colono1' in queue 'TUTORIALVC1COLONO1_SampleCasinosConvert' while executing command 'zap' in file
'scripts/VC_Q_Tutorial_1_3.yml' on line '91' with player 'p@b6dd29a9-7596-4ca7-851c-59f568bea627 (C4BR3R4)' with NPC 'n@427
Error Message: Zapping to own current step!


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
Denizen v1.1.4 #1705 → 1.15.2 (Citizens|Depenizen)
« Respuesta #6 en: 12 de Abril de 2020 a las 12:09 »
Código: [Seleccionar]
ERROR in script 'tutorialvc1pelirrojo' in queue 'TUTORIALVC1PELIRROJO_SituationsRoofVeterans' while executing command 'take'
in file 'scripts/VC_Q_Tutorial_1_2.yml' on line '240' with player 'p@b6dd29a9-7596-4ca7-851c-59f568bea627 (C4BR3R4)' with NPC
'n@141 (Liberto)'!
Error Message: Item script 'bound' functionality has never been reliable and should not be used. Consider replicating the
concept with world events.


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
Denizen v1.1.4 #1705 → 1.15.2 (Citizens|Depenizen)
« Respuesta #7 en: 12 de Abril de 2020 a las 12:13 »
Código: [Seleccionar]
ERROR in script 'tutorialvc1pelirrojo' in queue 'TUTORIALVC1PELIRROJO_CamcorderFanIpod' while executing command 'GIVE' in
file 'scripts/VC_Q_Tutorial_1_2.yml' on line '295' with player 'p@b6dd29a9-7596-4ca7-851c-59f568bea627 (C4BR3R4)' with NPC
'n@141 (Liberto)'!
Error Message: Item script 'bound' functionality has never been reliable and should not be used. Consider replicating the
concept with world events.


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
Denizen v1.1.4 #1705 → 1.15.2 (Citizens|Depenizen)
« Respuesta #8 en: 12 de Abril de 2020 a las 12:14 »
Código: [Seleccionar]
ERROR in script 'tutorialvc1start' in queue 'TUTORIALVC1START_BeginnersPensionAnatomy' while executing command 'take' in file
'scripts/VC_Q_Tutorial_1_1.yml' on line '438' with player 'p@b6dd29a9-7596-4ca7-851c-59f568bea627 (C4BR3R4)' with NPC 'n@544
Error Message: 'n@544' is an unknown argument! Did you forget quotes, or did you mess up the command syntax?
> [12:18:59] [Server thread/INFO]: +> [Argument] Command usage: take
(quantity:<#>) (from:<inventory>)
> [12:18:59] [Server thread/INFO]: ERROR in script 'tutorialvc1start' in queue 'TUTORIALVC1START_BeginnersPensionAnatomy' while executing command 'take' in file
'scripts/VC_Q_Tutorial_1_1.yml' on line '438' with player 'p@b6dd29a9-7596-4ca7-851c-59f568bea627 (C4BR3R4)' with NPC 'n@544
Error Message: Item script 'bound' functionality has never been reliable and should not be used. Consider replicating the
concept with world events.


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
Denizen v1.1.4 #1705 → 1.15.2 (Citizens|Depenizen)
« Respuesta #9 en: 12 de Abril de 2020 a las 16:42 »

Código: [Seleccionar]
+> [ScriptEvent] Event player enters Recursos_NM2 is matched to multiple ScriptEvents:
EntityEntersVehicle, BiomeEnterExit
> [16:43:11] [Server thread/INFO]: +> [ScriptEvent] Event player enters NM2_Recursos is matched to multiple ScriptEvents:
EntityEntersVehicle, BiomeEnterExit


Cita de: Línea 202
Command: Choose
Chooses an option from the list of cases.
Intended to replace a long chain of simplistic if/else if or complicated script path selection systems.
Simply input the selected option, and the system will automatically jump to the most relevant case input.
Cases are given as a sub-set of commands inside the current command (see Usage for samples).
Optionally, specify "default" in place of a case to give a result when all other cases fail to match.
Cases must be static text. They may not contain tags....
choose [<option>] [<cases>]
Short Description
Chooses an option from the list of cases.

💬 Citar
Script Check Results
Encountered Critical Errors
On line 195: This script uses ancient %defs%. Please update to modern '<[defname]>' syntax. Refer to for more info.
On line 2, 86, 115, 145, 203, 217: In script reseteo_automatico: Unknown script type (possibly a typo?)!
Script Warnings
On line 92: This script uses <def[old-defs]>. Please update to modern '<[defname]>' syntax. Refer to for more info.
Minor Warnings
On line 46, 65, 84, 113, 142, 182: Stray space after end of line (possible copy/paste mixup. Enable View->Render Whitespace in VS Code).
Other Script Information
On line : (Statistics) Total structural lines: 15
On line : (Statistics) Total live code lines: 352
On line : (Statistics) Total comment lines: 8
On line : (Statistics) Total blank lines: 6
Shortened Lines
There are 10 lines that were merged into other lines.


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
Denizen v1.1.4 #1705 → 1.15.2 (Citizens|Depenizen)
« Respuesta #10 en: 12 de Abril de 2020 a las 18:48 »

Código: [Seleccionar]
in 'string', line 15, column 17:
expected <block end>, but found '<block sequence start>'
in 'string', line 32, column 18:
- ^32^ else:


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
Denizen v1.1.4 #1705 → 1.15.2 (Citizens|Depenizen)
« Respuesta #11 en: 13 de Abril de 2020 a las 12:02 »

Código: [Seleccionar]
ERROR in script 'reseteo_recursos_1' in queue 'RESETEO_RECURSOS_1_CorporationsWeblogOn' while executing command 'MODIFYBLOCK'
in file 'scripts/SCRIPT_ReinicioMundos.yml' on line '197'!
Error Message: Woah! Invalid arguments were specified!

+> [CommandExecutor] +> MESSAGE follows: 'Missing location argument!'

Código: [Seleccionar]
+> [CommandExecutor] (Attempted: MODIFYBLOCK entrada_recursos air)


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
Denizen v1.1.4 #1706 → 1.15.2 (Citizens|Depenizen>PlaceholderAPI)
« Respuesta #12 en: 16 de Abril de 2020 a las 21:11 »

Código: [Seleccionar]
ERROR in script 'mensaje_ascenso_mendigo' in queue 'MENSAJE_ASCENSO_MENDIGO_ItsEmployedEthics' while executing command 'RUN'
in file 'scripts/NM2_Titulos.yml' on line '105' with player 'p@4c0bd929-7b8d-4820-8b02-85a8f07e6fd3 (Aino615)'!
Error Message: Woah! Invalid arguments were specified!


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
Denizen v1.1.4 #1706 → 1.15.2 (Citizens|Depenizen>PlaceholderAPI)
« Respuesta #13 en: 16 de Abril de 2020 a las 21:15 »

Código: [Seleccionar]
ERROR in script 'permiso_matar_cerdos_mendigos' in queue 'PERMISO_MATAR_CERDOS_MENDIGOS_ShippingSilkHumanitarian' while
executing command 'IF' in file 'scripts/NM2_Abdullah_Mendigo_Manzana.yml' on line '130' with player
'p@4c0bd929-7b8d-4820-8b02-85a8f07e6fd3 (Aino615)'!
Error Message: No tag-base handler for 'mendigo'.
> [21:18:45] [Server thread/INFO]: ERROR in script 'permiso_matar_cerdos_mendigos' in queue 'PERMISO_MATAR_CERDOS_MENDIGOS_ShippingSilkHumanitarian' while
executing command 'IF' in file 'scripts/NM2_Abdullah_Mendigo_Manzana.yml' on line '130' with player
'p@4c0bd929-7b8d-4820-8b02-85a8f07e6fd3 (Aino615)'!
Error Message: Tag <mendigo> is invalid!


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
Denizen v1.1.4 #1706 → 1.15.2 (Citizens|Depenizen>PlaceholderAPI)
« Respuesta #14 en: 21 de Abril de 2020 a las 18:10 »

Código: [Seleccionar]
ERROR in script 'reseteo_recursos_1' in queue 'RESETEO_RECURSOS_1_HeadsEnclosedSpaces' while executing command 'IF' in file
'scripts/SCRIPT_ReinicioMundos.yml' on line '143'!
Error Message: Invalid definition name '1'.

 ERROR in script 'reseteo_recursos_1' in queue 'RESETEO_RECURSOS_1_HeadsEnclosedSpaces' while executing command 'IF' in file
'scripts/SCRIPT_ReinicioMundos.yml' on line '143'!
Error Message: Tag <[1]> is invalid!

Código: [Seleccionar]
ERROR in script 'reseteo_recursos_1' in queue 'RESETEO_RECURSOS_1_ClayEdenHome' while executing command 'SCHEMATIC' in file
'scripts/SCRIPT_ReinicioMundos.yml' on line '158'!
Error Message: Woah! Invalid arguments were specified!

 ERROR in script 'reseteo_recursos_1' in queue 'RESETEO_RECURSOS_1_ClayEdenHome' while executing command 'SCHEMATIC' in file
'scripts/SCRIPT_ReinicioMundos.yml' on line '159'!
Error Message: Woah! Invalid arguments were specified! 

💬 Citar
Script Check Results
Encountered Critical Errors
On line 3: In script reseteo_automatico: Unknown script type (possibly a typo?)!
Script Warnings
On line 69, 74, 85, 99, 104, 115, 133, 138, 153, 156, ...: This line appears to contain raw object notation. There is almost always a better way to write a line than using raw object notation. Consider the relevant object constructor tags.
Minor Warnings
On line 71, 80, 82, 101, 110, 112, 135, 147, 149, ...: Pointless quotes (arguments quoted but do not contain spaces).
Other Script Information
On line : (Statistics) Total structural lines: 11
On line : (Statistics) Total live code lines: 317
On line : (Statistics) Total comment lines: 23
On line : (Statistics) Total blank lines: 6
Shortened Lines
There are 154 lines that were merged into other lines.