Juegos => Plugins de Spigot/Bukkit => Minecraft => Plugins descartados => Mensaje iniciado por: C4BR3R4 en 31 de Julio de 2016 a las 17:28
Añade información en pantalla sobre la cantidad de oro que tenemos, ping, etc.
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Bukkit: https://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/scoreboardstats/?page=3
scoreboardstats.use | scoreboardstats.*
Variables: https://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/scoreboardstats/pages/variables/
# Main configuration
# Compatible mode for other plugins like HealthBar, ColoredTags, GhostPlayer, McCombatLevel, etc. ......
# or the vanilla scoreboard
# In case you miss the log message: this option requires the plugin called ProtocolLib
# This option will work around the Bukkit API and will send raw packets
compatibilityMode: false
# Should be the node disabled-worlds handled as whitelist or blacklist
disabled-worlds-whitelist: false
- city
Title: '&4♛ &6&lNeo&e&lMedieval &4♛'
# seconds
# For instant updates you can or 1 and it will update every second
Update-delay: 2
# The Title must have under 48 characters
# Title: Type
'&8Somos': '%online%'
'&8Oro': '%money%'
'&8Muertos': '%kills%'
'&8Muertes': '%deaths%'
'&8Criaturas': '%mob%'
'&8Ping': '%ping%'
# Let ScoreboardStats track stats (kills, deaths, mobkills, killstreak) You need no plugin for this
enable-pvpstats: true
Temp-Scoreboard-enabled: false
Title: '&a&lTop Muertes'
# %mob% | %kills% | %killstreak%
Type: '%kills%'
Color: '&9'
# How many Players would be displayed
Items: 5
Intervall-show: 300
Intervall-disappear: 300
ScoreboardStats v0.9.10
These version and all future versions are compatible with other scoreboard plugins like HealthBar, ColoredTags, Ghost Player and so on.
Fix compatibility mode sending to the correct player (Fixes #117)
Add sTablist to the compatible plugins
Ignore kills if the killer killed yourself (Fix #96)
Sustituido por el plugin Spigotboard (http://c4br3r4.es/index.php?topic=355.0)