Plugins que se pueden sustituir con CMIy que estaban instalados en NeoMedieval![v :v:](
= Sustituido |
![x :x:](
= No sustituido
Autorank (Statz|Plugin Library)- An integrated auto rank-up system based on player statistics.
EditableSign- Edit signs by shift right clicking it
- Change sign text lines with simple command. Option to change multiple sign lines at once. Takes in consideration if player can build in that location and prevents any sign text change where he cant.
- Copy sign text from one sign to multyple another ones with simple command.
EssentialsX- Kit system with integrated kit creation GUI
- Import essentials user data
- Auto afk feature. With anti jump feature.
- Send private messges
- Player can have their own home locations
- Warp locations can be set for players to be used
- Can clean old Essentials player data files by players offline days
- Can set spawn point for players for them to have simple teleport point or respawn after death
- Teleport to any world location
OpenInv- Can edit online/offline players inventory
- Can silently (without open animation) open chests for preview
- Can silently (without open animation) open chests for preview
JChairs- Sit on stairs or slabs with command or simple click
neoPaintingSwitch- Scroll throw paintings with mouse wheel
SimpleAlias- Uses aliases system to simplify long commands (Can be enabled or disabled separately in config file)
- Have in-game custom alias editor to change any command to your liking.
TitleManager- Customizable TabList system
Ultimate Backpacks- BackPacks can be used by utilizing Shulker boxes in your inventory by shift right clicking on them!
Multiverse-Portals- Portal system with custom particles, custom commands and bungeecord support