ctags reload
#.#. ColoredTags by Filoghost#.#. This is the main configuration of the plugin.#. Website: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/colored-tags#.change-tab-names: trueupdate-notification: truefix-death-messages: trueauto-refresh: enabled: true seconds: 60
#.#. #######################. # GROUPS ##. #######################.#. These are the names of the groups defined in you permissions plugin.#. If a user has multiple groups, the group with the highest rank will#. be chosen, as your chat plugin does.#.#. Prefixes or suffixes CANNOT be longer than 16 chars, including colors.#.#. <name> is the separator of prefix and suffix. If you don't include it,#. the string will used as prefix.#.Ente: '&fEnte &b'Mendigo: '&8Mendigo &b'Mendiga: '&8Mendiga &d'Esclavo: '&8Esclavo &b'Esclava: '&8Esclavo &d'Liberto: '&9Liberto &b'Liberta: '&9Liberta &d'Colono: '&9Colono &b'Colona: '&9Colona &d'Aldeano: '&3Aldeano &b'Aldeana: '&3Aldeana &d'Ciudadano: '&3Ciudadano &b'Ciudadana: '&3Ciudadana &d'Hidalgo: '&aHidalgo &b'Hidalga: '&aHidalga &d'Noble: '&aNoble &b'Nobla: '&aNoble &d'Terrateniente: '&5Terrateniente &b'Terratenienta: '&5Terrateniente &d'Duque: '&6Duque &b'Duquesa: '&6Duquesa &d'DuqueVIP: '&6Duque &b'DuquesaVIP: '&6Duquesa &d'Bufón: '&cBufón &b'Rey: '&4Rey &b'Emperador: '&4Emperador &b'Dios: '&fDios &b'