Economy BankSistema bancario por carteles que incluye tipos de interés y otras características.
bank reload Spigot: default config.yml for MysqlEconomyBank
# config version 1.7.0
#Type of database, Options: FlatFile or MySQL
typeOfDatabase: MySQL
#MySQL database type connection details.
port: 3306
databaseName: 'nombre'
tableName: 'meb_cuentas'
user: 'usuario'
password: '123456789'
#General settings
#Maximum amount of money on players accounts
maxBankLimitMoney: 10000000
#Maximum amount of money in players pockets
maxPocketLimitMoney: 10000000
#Amount of time in milliseconds (1 second = 1000 milliseconds) a player has to wait between two sign interactions.
timeBetweenTwoInteractions: 1000
#Interest settings
#Enable bank accounts interest | (true or false)
enabled: true
#Interest amount in percentage. Example: 0.2% | 2% | 10%
percentageAmount: 0.1%
#Time between interest credit in minutes. (default 5 minutes)
interestTime: 60
#Chat prefix and messages
#Chat Prefix - Supports Color/Format codes - To disable the prefix set it like: prefix: ''
#Color and Format codes:
prefix: '&6&l[Banco] '
#Chat Messages - Supports Color/Format codes.
#The place holder %amount will get replaced by the money amount.
#The place holder %player2 will get replaced by the players name.
#To disable any chat message set it to '' Example: balance: ''
createdSignSuccessfully: '&b¡Cartel creado correctamente&b!'
notAllowed: '&bNo tienes permiso.'
removedSignSuccessfully: '&b¡Cartel eliminado&b!'
errorWhileCreatingSign: '&b¡No se puede crear el Cartel&b!'
balance: '&b%player2 tienes &6%balance monedas'
depositedSuccessfully: '&b¡Has ingresado &6%amount monedas&b!'
reachedMaximumMoneyInAccount: '&b¡Has alcanzado el límite bancario&b!'
notEnoughMoneyInPoket: '&b¡No tienes &6%amount monedas &ben tu inventario&b!'
withdrewSuccessfully: '&b¡Has retirado &6%amount monedas&b!'
reachedMaximumMoneyInPocket: '&bNo tienes espacio en tu inventario.'
notEnoughMoneyInAccount: '&bNo tienes &7%amount monedas &ben tu cuenta bancaria.'
accountDoesNotExist: '&7¡%player2 &bno tienes una cuenta&b!'
tooFastInteraction: '&bNo puedes acceder al Banco. Por favor, espera un momento...'
denyIfSneaking: '&bNo puedes usar el Banco si estás agachado.'
noPermission: '&bNo tienes permiso.'
reloadFail: '&b¡La configuración no se ha podido recargar&b!'
reloadComplete: '&b¡La configuración se ha recargado correctamente&b!'
balanceCommand: '&bSaldo de &7%player2: &6%amount monedas'
balanceCommandFail: '&b¡Jugador offline o UUID errónea&b!'
setCommandFail: '&b¡La cantidad debe ser un número&b!'
setCommand: '&bEl Saldo Bancario de &7%player2 se ha establecido en &6%amount monedas'
interest: '&bInterés recibido: &6%amount monedas'
#Action Bar Messages - Requires TitleManager optional dependency.
#Supports color and format codes.
#The placeholder %bankBalance will be replaced with your bank balance.
#The placeholder %pocketBalance will be replaced with your pocket balance.
#To disable any of these messages set them to '' Example: balance: ''
#When performing deposit/withdraw operations the bank remaining balance will be displayed in an action bar message.
balanceLeft: '&3&lSaldo Bancario: &6%bankBalance monedas &f| &3&lSaldo en Inventario: &6%pocketBalance monedas'
#When clicking the bank balance signs the balance will be displayed on action bar as well.
balance: '&3&lSaldo Bancario: &7%bankBalance monedas'
#Customize the bank signs
#Change the balance, deposit and withdraw words on signs, useful for other language translation
#No color and format codes support here.
balance: Saldo
deposit: Ingresar
withdraw: Retirar
#Change the color of the first line on signs [Bank], note that this color only applies to the first line on signs.
#Color codes are the same, but here you just remove the & in the front of color codes. Example: &3 => 3 ; Does not support format codes here.
signColor: 6