Autor Tema: VotingPlugin 5.13.1 → 1.12 (NuVotifier|Vault)  (Leído 34531 veces)


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
VotingPlugin 5.13.1 → 1.12 (NuVotifier|Vault)
« en: 04 de Octubre de 2016 a las 20:14 »
Administrador de votaciones con muchas funciones.
Código: [Seleccionar]
av Reload

:v: Spigot:
!! Builds:

## Comandos y Nodos:
++ PlaceHolders:

Necesita los plugins: NuVotifier o Votifier y Vault

Código: (Format.yml) [Seleccionar]
# Format.yml
# Set your format here

# Common PlacesHolders:
# Please Note: Not all are usable in all sections
# Special PlaceHolders will be commented where available
# %player% = player name 
# %SiteName% = vote site name


  # Broadcast vote message
  BroadcastMsg: '&6[&4Broadcast&6] &c%player% &2Gracias por votar en %SiteName%'
  # Broadcast only when player is online
  BroadcastWhenOnline: false
    # Format for /vote
    # %num% = the number of the site, for a numbered list
    # %url% = site URL
      - '&4&lVota este servidor!'
      # If you want to want to use the feature below where the plugin will
      # automaticly list the sites then set the message in the text above
      AutoInputSites: true
      # For each VoteSite
      # make sure to set VoteURL in your VoteSites
      # Requires above to be true
      # Text will be sent before this
      Sites: '&4%num%: &c&l%SiteName% - &c%url%'
      # Format for /vote next
        # First line
        Title: '&3&l%player% Siguientes Votos:'
        # How each line is setup for each vote site
        # %info% = Info - See Below
        # %SiteName% = site name from vote
        Layout: '&3%SiteName%: &6%info%'
          # Message when player can vote
          CanVote: 'Puedes Votar!'
          # Time until vote msg
          # %hours% = hours until next vote
          # %minutes% = minutes until next vote
          TimeUntilVote: '%hours% Horas y %minutes% Minutos'
          # If there is an error finding out time until next vote
          Error: '&cNo se puede calcular el tiempo de la siguiente votación!'
       # Format for /vote last
        # First line
        Title: '&3&l%player% Last Vote Times:'
        # Lines for each vote site
        # %time% = time, using timeformat below
        Line: '&3%SiteName%: &6%time%'
      # Format for /vote total
        # First line
        Title: '&3&l%player% Votos Totales:'
        # %Total% = total for that site
        # %SiteName% = site name
        Line: '&3%SiteName%: &6%Total%'
        # %Totals% = totals of all sites added up
        Total: '&3&lTotal: &6&l%Totals%'
      # Format for /vote total all 
        # First line
        Title: '&3&lTodos los Votos:'
        # %Total% = total for that site
        Line: '&3%SiteName% &6%Total%'
        # %Totals% = totals of all sites added up
        Total: '&3&lTotal: &6&l%Totals%'
      # Format for /vote top
        # First line
        # %page% = current page
        # %maxpages% = max number of pages
        # %Top% = Monthly/Weekly/Daily (depending on command)
        Title: '&3Los más Votantes %Top% %page%/%maxpages%'
        # Line for each player in that page
        Line: '&c%num%: &6%player%, %votes%'
      # Format for /vote help
        # Title of /vote help
        Title: '&3&lAyuda de Votaciones'
        # Format for help message in /v help
        Line: '&3&l%Command% - &3%HelpMessage%'
        # Require permission to see command in /v help or /av help
        RequirePermission: true

      # PlaceHolders:
      # %VotesRequired% = VotesRequired
      # %NeededVotes% = Number of votes needed to reach VotesRequired
      # %Votes% = Number of votes
      - '&chas votado &6%Votes%&c, &cnecesitas &6%NeededVotes% &cvotos para alcanzar &6%VotesRequired%'
      # %Points% = player points
      Points: '&a%Player% tiene &a&l%Points%&a Puntos!'
  # Login message if player can vote on all sites
  # Must be enabled in config.yml 
  LoginMsg: '&cRecuerda votar!'
  # Msg on reward given
  # PlaceHolders:
  # %money% = amount of money given for votesite
  # %items% = string list of items
  DefaultRewardMsg: '&aHas recibido la recompensa!'
  # Msg on top voter award, will only send message if that place has a reward set
  # %place% = place - 1,2,3,etc
  TopVoterAwardMsg: '&aHas llegado a alcanzar el %place% lugar en las votaciones de este mes! Esta es tu recompensa!'
  # Time Format
  # See
  TimeFormat: 'EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm'
  # Format for signs
  # SiteName may be all, depending on sign
  # %position% = position of player, set by sign
  # %votes% = Number of votes
      Line1: 'TopVotantes: %SiteName%'
      Line2: '#%position%'
      Line3: '%player%'
      Line4: '%votes% Votos'
    # Message when right clicking sign, uses same placeholders as above
    RightClickMessage: '&c&l%player% &cestá en la posición &c&l%position% &ccon &c&l%votes% &cvotos en &c&l%SiteName%'
  # Message when player tries to run command without required permissions
  NoPerms: '&cNo tienes suficientes permisos!'
  # Message when player types a command but does not input a number where needed
  NotNumber: '&cError en &6%arg%&c, número esperado!'
  # TimeZone
  TimeZone: 'UTC'

Código: (GUI.yml) [Seleccionar]
# Configure GUI's here
# Note: Slots start at 0 instead of 1, max slots 44 (don't go over) (E.g: so last slot in first row of inventory is 8)
# Item Material's can be found here:
  # GUI for /vote gui, /vgui, votegui
    # Items will be orders as it is below
      # Standard item format, lore is automaticly applied
        Material: 'BOW'
        Data: 0
        Amount: 1
        Name: '&4URL'
        # You can set skulls of the player using the following
        # Remove the # to enable
        #Skull: '%Player%'
      Command: 'vote'
      Slot: 0
        Material: 'COMPASS'
        Data: 0
        Amount: 1
        Name: '&4Siguiente'
      Command: 'vote next'
      Slot: 1
        Material: 'WATCH'
        Data: 0
        Amount: 1
        Name: '&4Último'
      Command: 'vote last'
      Slot: 2
        Material: 'CHEST'
        Data: 0
        Amount: 1
        Name: '&4Total'
      Command: 'vote total'
      Slot: 3
        Material: 'SIGN'
        Data: 0
        Amount: 1
        Name: '&4Top'
      Command: 'vote top'
      Slot: 4
        Material: 'BOOK'
        Data: 0
        Amount: 1
        Name: '&4Hoy'
      Command: 'vote today'
      Slot: 5
        Material: 'WRITTEN_BOOK'
        Data: 0
        Amount: 1
        Name: '&4Ayuda'
      Command: 'vote help'
      Slot: 6
        Material: 'DIAMOND'
        Data: 0
        Amount: 1
        Name: '&4Recompensas'
      Command: 'vote reward'
      Slot: 7
  # GUI for /vote url
  # And /vote if enabled in Config.yml
    SiteName: '&c%Name%'
    SeeURL: '&cClic para ver la URL'
    NextVote: '&cPuedes votar en: %Info%'
    ViewAllUrlsButtonEnabled: true
      Material: 'REDSTONE_BLOCK'
      Data: 0
      Amount: 1
      Material: 'EMERALD_BLOCK'
      Data: 0
      Amount: 1
  # Customize /vote reward
  # Show players what you get when you vote on each site
    # Name of votesite
    # If your site name contains a dot, replace it with a - and surround the name with ' '
      # Item to display as vote site in /vote reward
        # Item ID
        Material: 'DIAMOND'
        # Item Data (Eg 1:4, data is 4)
        Data: 0
        # Amount of items
        # Should be greater than 0
        Amount: 1
        # Item name
        # Remove this line for no name
        Name: '&4Ejemplo'
        # Lore
        # Remove this line for no lore
        - '&4Línea 1'
      # items in /vote reward sitename
        # Item
        # This is not the item display name
        # Do not have 2 of the same items
          # Item ID
          Material: 'DIAMOND'
          # Item Data (Eg 1:4, data is 4)
          Data: 0
          # Amount of items
          # Should be greater than 0
          Amount: 1
          # Item name
          # Remove this line for no name
          Name: '&4Ejemplo'
          # Lore
          # Remove this line for no lore
          - '&4Línea 1'
          Slot: 0


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
VotingPlugin 4.4 ~ 1.10
« Respuesta #1 en: 10 de Octubre de 2016 a las 08:27 »
    Change Log:
    - Move the rewards list in Config.yml to Rewards.yml and rename it to AnySiteRewards
    - Use new injectable user gui in AdvancedCore 1.6 (This version required)
    - Many bug fixes


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
VotingPlugin 4.4.1 ~ 1.10
« Respuesta #2 en: 13 de Octubre de 2016 a las 11:04 »
 4.4.1: VoteShop

    Change Log:
    - Ported over the VoteShop from the VoteShop Add-on


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
VotingPlugin 4.5.1 ~ 1.10
« Respuesta #3 en: 18 de Octubre de 2016 a las 08:21 »
 4.5.1: Bug fixes

    Change Log:
    - Fixed a bug regarding auto site creation with decimals

 4.5: VoteSite Changes

    Change Log:
    - VoteSites are now all in one file (VoteSites.yml) - Plugin will auto convert current site files into the one file for you on update :) This will hopefly make the plugin simplier to work with
    - VoteParty is now disabled by default


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
VotingPlugin 4.5.3 ~ 1.10
« Respuesta #4 en: 24 de Octubre de 2016 a las 08:55 »

    Change Log:
    - Added a reset per day option for vote party count
    - Better placeholderapi expansion handling
    - Improved top voter checks/updates
    - Updated to AdvancedCore 1.7

 4.5.2: More config changes, VoteForwarder

    Change Log:
    - Moved bungee voting features into its own seperate plugin, VoteForwarder
    - Moved VoteReminding.yml into Config.yml (This will be done automaticly on update)
    - No longer use the ServerData.yml file in VotingPlugin


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
VotingPlugin 4.5.4 ~ 1.10
« Respuesta #5 en: 30 de Octubre de 2016 a las 09:42 »
 4.5.4: Bug fix

    Change Log:
    - Fixed a bug with top voter not auto loading on startup


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
VotingPlugin 4.6 ~ 1.10
« Respuesta #6 en: 31 de Octubre de 2016 a las 08:32 »
 4.6: GUI & Rewards Update

    Hello everyone. For some time I've been noticing some people don't like the 2 plugins where you need to edit stuff, as some people find it over complicated. So, I've decided that I would try to put it all in one place. At least the important stuff.

    With that in mind you can now have reward files located in VotingPlugin/Rewards on top of the one in AdvancedCore, and by default any generated reward file is placed in there. Maybe this will make things less complicated. Let me know what you think about this!

    Change Log:
    - Updated to use AdvancedCore 1.8 (Make sure to use this version or later)
    - Added a rewards folder in VotingPlugin
    - New reward files will generated in the rewards folder of VotingPlugin
    - Better yml file handling
    - Added a new vote party option, requireduservotes (number of votes that apply to vote party a user needs to get rewards)
    - Combined the admingui with advancedcore to avoid confusion
    - Add tons more gui's with options to disable and use the old style


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
VotingPlugin 4.6 ~ 1.10
« Respuesta #7 en: 31 de Octubre de 2016 a las 12:48 »


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
VotingPlugin 4.6.1 ~ 1.10
« Respuesta #8 en: 03 de Noviembre de 2016 a las 07:59 »
4.6: GUI & Rewards Update

    Hello everyone. For some time I've been noticing some people don't like the 2 plugins where you need to edit stuff, as some people find it over complicated. So, I've decided that I would try to put it all in one place. At least the important stuff.

    With that in mind you can now have reward files located in VotingPlugin/Rewards on top of the one in AdvancedCore, and by default any generated reward file is placed in there. Maybe this will make things less complicated. Let me know what you think about this!

    Change Log:
    - Updated to use AdvancedCore 1.8 (Make sure to use this version or later)
    - Added a rewards folder in VotingPlugin
    - New reward files will generated in the rewards folder of VotingPlugin
    - Better yml file handling
    - Added a new vote party option, requireduservotes (number of votes that apply to vote party a user needs to get rewards)
    - Combined the admingui with advancedcore to avoid confusion
    - Add tons more gui's with options to disable and use the old style


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
VotingPlugin 4.6.2 ~ 1.10
« Respuesta #9 en: 16 de Noviembre de 2016 a las 08:39 »

    Change Log:
    - Add ability to reset milestones each month
    - Bug fixes


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
VotingPlugin 4.6.3 ~ 1.11
« Respuesta #10 en: 17 de Noviembre de 2016 a las 15:49 »
 4.6.3: 1.11

    Change Log:
    - Fully added support for 1.11


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
VotingPlugin 4.7 ~ 1.11
« Respuesta #11 en: 21 de Noviembre de 2016 a las 08:44 »
 4.7: Maven

    Change Log:
    - Converted to use Maven
    - Update to AdvancedCore 2.0 (This version is required)
    - Added basic AdvancedCore commands to /vote
    - Fixed a few permission typos


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
VotingPlugin 4.7.1 ~ 1.11
« Respuesta #12 en: 26 de Noviembre de 2016 a las 17:00 »
 4.7.1: Better Permissions

    Change Log:
    - Better permission handling
    - Added VotingPlugin.Mod & VotingPlugin.Admin
    - Updated Commands & Permssions wiki page
    - Better /av perms ingame
    - Bug fixes
    - Requires AdvancedCore 2.0.1 (Permissions will break if you do not update AdvancedCore!)

    On a side note, there is now a maven repository available for those who want to use it, see the main page. Also, I talked about some future plans about including AdvancedCore directly into the plugin and how maven has boosted my productivity, checkout the update log for AdvancedCore 2.0.1


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
VotingPlugin 5.0.1 → 1.11
« Respuesta #13 en: 05 de Diciembre de 2016 a las 08:33 »
 5.0.1: Bug fixes

    Change Log:
    - Fixed a bug with ActionBar
    - Fixed a bug with TopVoter


  • SuperAdmin.
  • *
VotingPlugin 5.0.2 → 1.11
« Respuesta #14 en: 07 de Diciembre de 2016 a las 08:14 »
 5.0.2: Crash fix

    Change Log:
    - Fixed a bug that could lead to a crash